God Help Those Who Help themselves

July 02, 2015

It is a very true saying that god help those who help themselves. One may have a firm belief in God and go to the place of worship and pray religiously everyday, and one may fast and perform all the rituals associated with the different religious occasions, but one has to work to achieve anything in live.

More things are wrought by Prayer.
Thin this world dreams of.

And get, this does not mean that one merely sits at home and prays and one’s wishes and dreams will automatically be transformed to reality. One has to make the effort oneself. Every aim in life, every goal has to be worked for. For example, the simplest task eating one’s food reveres effort on one’s part. Even if the food is kept in front of one, one has to use one’s hand to break the morsel and put it into the mouth. A belief in God will not transfer it to the mouth. So too one has to work for every little task.

One has to work hard to achieve one’s desire. In fact, the achievements of all great men have been achieved only by the sweat of their brow. Mahatma Gandhi have momentum to the movement against description in Africa; and achieved the momentous task of driving the british out of india. Mahatma Gandhi was a very religious man, but he did not sit back and merely pray that India may gain independence. The life of any individual with great achievements to his credit, will reveal hard work and
industry as the secret of his success.

The heights by great men, reached and kept were not attained by sudden flight; But they, while their companions slept,
were toiling upward in the night.”

At the same time one may work hard and yet fail to achieve one’s goal. This need not depress one. There is no need to feel that neither belief in God, nor hard work yields dividends.

Thus to conclude, I would reiterate the truth of the statement that God help those who help themselves. A faith in God coupled with her work is the true nape for success in and sphere of life.

What is life ?
Life is Goal – Achieve it
Life is a challenge – Meet it
Life is a Gift – Accept it
Life is a duty – Perform it
Life is a Game – Play it
Life is a mystery – unfold it
Life is a song – Sing it
Life is a promise – Fulfill it
Life is a love – Enjoy it
Life is a beauty – Praise it
Life is a spirit – Realise it
Life is a struggle – Fight is
Life is a puzzle – Solve it
Life is a adventure – Dare it
Life is an opportunity – Take it…..

– Khushi Patel
Std. :- 8th B

School TimeSave Yourself from “No mood”

